Saturday, December 22, 2007

Silent night .. not quite

Well Well We Have finally got up and round to posting !!
Yes there is life at the Logs !! and plenty of beer Thanks to Our far flung Non exercising..... I mean Non Executive Logger Mr. Brass ! Your generous supply of beers went down like the proverbial Home sick Mole! It made for a Cheerful Chrissy Logs night With come all yea faith fulls ( B Loggers) humming tunelessly While those more Harmonically Challenged amongst the group Did The Carol Thing ( She left soon After!:-) We would like to congratulate Mr. Brass and his good lass Cath on Keeping the population grow rate up and giving Little Richard his spot in the world!
But when all is said and Done in true Logs Tradition Fun was had by all and of course the Globe is still burning .. no need to send the collection bowl around just yet for the R3.99 to replace it

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Farmer and Poet

Dish man he can cooks da very nice eshpatada.....Yes!!!!! But naw cabaagg tonight, just a meat.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

UK cluster

Yes Ian......that cluster over the UK is more impressive than the 36-0 victory. We will keep our glasses full. Send your email to so you can write onto the blog page instead oof leaving comments.

Cheers Cameron

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday the 14th

The logs lastnight was a horses only Peter and I went for a walk on horseback.......As the sunset the air had a slight chill, nothing a beer could not sort out.....A paecefull walk while awaiting the clash against the might Red Roses but alas they were roses without thorns..36-0...that what good beer and biltong does for our player......Hey Brass you very quiet these days????

Cheers Cameron

From my Aussie beer drinking cousin

Dear Mum & Dad,

I am well. Hope youse are too. Tell me big brothers Doug and Phil that the Army is better than workin' on the farm - tell them to get in bloody quick smart before the jobs are all gone!
I wuz a bit slow in settling down at first, because ya don't hafta get outta bed until 6am. But I like sleeping in now, cuz all yagotta do before brekky is make ya bed and shine ya boots and clean ya uniform. No bloody cows to milk, no calves to feed, no feed to stack - nothin'!! Ya haz gotta shower though, but its not so bad, coz there's lotsa hot water and even a light to see what ya doing!

At brekky ya get cereal, fruit and eggs but there's no kangaroo steaks or possum stew like wot Mum makes. You don't get fed again until noon and by
that time all the city boys are buggered because we've been on a 'route march' - geez its only just like walking to the windmill in the back paddock!!

This one will kill me brothers Doug and Phil with laughter. I keep getting medals for shootin' - dunno why. The bullseye is as big as a bloody possum's bum and it don't move and it's not firing back at ya like the Johnsons did when our big scrubber bull got into their prize cows before the Ekka last year! All ya gotta do is make yourself comfortable and hit the target - it's a piece of piss!! You don't even load your own cartridges they comes in little boxes and ya don't have to steady yourself against the rollbar of the roo shooting truck when you reload!

Sometimes ya gotta wrestle with the city boys and I gotta be real careful coz they break easy - it's not like fighting with Doug and Phil and Jack and Boori and Steve and Muzza all at once like we do at home after the muster.
Turns out I'm not a bad boxer either and it looks like I'm the best the platoon's got, and I've only been beaten by this one bloke from the Engineers - he's 6 foot 5 and 15 stone and three pick handles across the shoulders and as ya know I'm only 5 foot 7 and eight stone wringin' wet ,but I fought him till the other blokes carried me off to the boozer.

I can't complain about the Army - tell the boys to get in quick before word gets around how bloody good it is.

Your loving daughter,



A community is made up with the characters in it,
Those who are dull and those with quick wit
Those who are sickly and those who are fit,
A delicate fabric is uniquely knit.

Beth’s another one you must about
She’s tall attractive and certainly not stout
No airs and graces does she flout
But at MCM nursery, she’s the face, without doubt.

Jeans, blouse and broad hat are her clothes
She’s definitely more at ease wearing those
Not one given to breaking into prose
She only talks about the things she knows

Mind you, with the noise her husband Cameron can make
Any competing would look like a fake
Not that she’s afraid to speak, make no mistake
At work she’ll sell anything from flowers, fertilizer or even a rake.

Now with dog, horse or any pet
Here she finds friends that are never a threat
She could work with them all day, without a sweat
She would’ve made a wonderful vet.

When Beth’s in the mood and dancing’s the thing
She and young Johno can really fling
Moving with alacrity like a bird on the wing
The Duck and Dive becomes exhilarating

But Beth’s not one for exercise
I think basically she’s far too wise
The reason she comes to the bloggs I surmise
Is that she likes the meat that’s cooked on braais

She sits quietly while others chitter chatter
It’s not work, so talking doesn’t matter
She eats and drinks without getter fatter
But when approached she can nitter natter!

Friday, September 07, 2007

by Wicks Granville


A community is made up with the characters in it,
Those who are dull and those with quick wit
Those who are sickly and those who are fit,
A delicate fabric is uniquely knit.

Cameron is a man who loves a run
And definitely thrives on having fun
His friends include almost everyone
And he drinks beer like a thirsty Australian

Don’t be mislead by his rah! rah! rah!
Because your’re looking at a modest star
Who has run five comrades to date so far
And has many medals that fill his boudoir

A dichotomy of Cameron’s nature is
His ability to change from the Rah! to the quiet that is his
When he whispers to a horse it looses it’s fizz
In fact with horses he’s an absolute wizz

Taking young Johnno under his wing
He has made running become a fun thing
He loves to include him into having a fling
At the Duck and Dive, where he and Beth go dancing

He, like brother Merek, is a horticulturist
And he too seems to be an absolute altruist
To be helpful and friendly he cannot resist
In fact he is the reason why the harriers exist.

Merek, Cameron, Beth and Maureen
Make up the MCM nursery scene
Where you can buy for your beautiful gardine
Practical gardening advice is their theme

Cameron is also a writer of note
Especially about plants and places remote
On this site, most of the updates are what he wrote
So if you don’t like it, go for his throat!!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Wicks Granville

Saturday, August 18, 2007

John makes it big on Front page !!

The Logs Members make it big in Local press ...Last week Craig got onto the front page (Corridor Gazette.. The Heartbeat of Nkomazi) with flying SA colours and winged off to Czech republic ! ! and this week we have The master pipe putter .. um Plumber (N2 not mentioned in the paper article) taking uphill in his stride!! well done John! Hey I hope that this work thing of Yours does not interfere too much with play !

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Early Gang

A shot of the punctual Logs supporters, before the run on a Friday. We would like notice to be taken of the table, the last addition to the venue! These are the Guys and Girls that are keen to run. Thank You to Jill for the photo.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


A community is made up with the characters in it,

Those who are dull and those with quick wit

Those who are sickly and those who are fit,

A delicate fabric is uniquely knit.

You are likely to meet Merek, mixing drinks

Drinking should be fun, is what he thinks

He does enjoy a merry function

Friendly, witty and filled with good unction.

Married to Kathleen they make a charming pair,

Their children Ben and Jessica, make up their lair

Good family values is what they all share

Drinking all sorts of drinks, but never vin ordinaire.

If you observe Merek, and see his style

You’ll notice his humorous eyes and fleeting smile

Amusing you with his quick wit all the while

And showing signs of being prepared to walk the mile.

Green fingers could be his other name

He can make anything grow because that’s his game

Modest and generous, giving without waiting acclaim

Although he is not averse to lots of money instead of fame.

Very laid back is the message he gives out,

But in fact he is very conscientious with what he’s about

When chatting to him you are left with no doubt

That he’s more honourable than a boy scout.

He does not purport to being an athlete

But it seems that he’s no lout on his feet

A blogs run without him, would not be complete

Especially when it comes to celebrating with drinks and eat.

A good balance he has between spirit and ego

Knowing where to have fun and when to say no

He has this ability to allow life to flow

A sort of chat one is very happy to know.

10th July 2007

by Wicks Granville


A community is made up with the characters in it,

Those who are dull and those with quick wit

Those who are sickly and those who are fit,

A delicate fabric is uniquely knit.

Some are quiet and slow to be seen

I think of soft spoken willowy Kathleen

with her desire for an interactive community scene

everyone supporting; young and old and in between.

The speed of life today is enough to make her scream,

Where people don’t think about people, just “keeping up” is the theme.

Survival through technology has become supreme

Kathleen favours a more holistic regime.

A place where people serve one another

and don’t keep up with the Jones’ to be a mother

and certainly don’t take unfair advantage of a brother,

Or allow fast food and the fast life to smother.

To this end she encouraged those she knew

a community mind to imbue

with markets and meetings and good virtue

a simple life for herself and hers, she does ensue.

Here again, alternative medicine she will seek

instead of something quick and chic

and get back to basics, so to speak.

She is tough, saucy, determined, yet somehow meek

as a compassionate vegetarian she seldom eats meat

yet interesting food she gives all to eat.

Every blogs, a new innovation she brings to heat

Without her imagination, a logs meet would not be complete

In fact each occasion gives her a chance

To invite us to take cognisance

of getting back to basics, with it’s nuance

And of making us go backwards, so that we can advance.

8th July 2007.

by Wicks Granville

Time Flies & Time Trials

Hello there! Friday the 13th knocked us so badly, we couldn't post for the following few weeks...!!
Actually, it was a mild evening, as have been the last 2. We welcomed Rob & Gail from Marloth Park. Even though they had no lions chasing them, they still kept up a good pace!
Craig finally brought concrete proof of Maryka (in person) ... we were beginning to wonder if she was a figment.
Merek & Kath rolled in looking bleary eyed after 2 hours sleep the night before- a small diversion into the family game of horses. So, there might be a mini horse being taken for a walk at one of the Logs' in the near future.

Friday 3rd August was celebrated by the dedicated quorum: Jill & John G , Cameron, Merek, Kath and crew, Georgie representing the Glasses, & Nick doing his bit for the Wybrows! The rest of the Glass family came later as did Sir R and Beth, and a vote was taken to have the Blogs again next Friday, at the same time & place!

Sir Richard has started a collection of poems starring the members of our community.. Look out, you could be next!! Enjoy his insight in rhyme......
P.S. Birthdays coming up: Beth 11th Aug, Benjy 20th Aug, Alice G 25th Aug

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Wild dreams

Herstory is made

The bloggers had an historic (her story) moment this Friday, with Claire G joining the runners as the first, ever lady to show her mettle! This run was a family affair, only undertaken by 2 each of the Svacha & Granville families. Thanks to Mark, Amber & Adam who joined in later with a few bikes to swell the crowds.

The reason for the small numbers was the preparations in various households for the coming of age party for Anni G, which took place later in the evening. Anni had a theme of dress in your wildest dream… SO… the evening was very festive!

Claire was definitely on form , after running the 4 km, she went on to clinch the evening as the wildest dressed ( in my opinion) as a ‘Wild pussy cat’ not inside, but on top…!!

In attendance as well were: a doctor or 2, a cowgirl or 2, Zoro, a family of hippies, some buxom ladies, Superman, some dude with a bob & dark glasses (any clues as to who??) the spice girls, a Brazilian fiesta dancer, a diver, pirate, fairy and a young pioneer. The Bishop of Port Elizabeth was hiding under his big felt hat (or is it actually Paddington bear pretending to be the bishop??). Some people came dressed as, well normal… (perhaps that is their wildest dream, to be normal…Bob, Tina,, and a few others?)

The head of the household had a monopoly on the finances, and his Greek goddess wife was bestowing gifts of great food on all the guests. Well Anni, it was a good start to the next phase of your life, sent forth with (as always) a beautiful poem of blessing from our resident bard (that’s Dad to you Ann). Wishing you wings!

Next Friday is an auspicious night…. FRIDAY the 13th…See you there!! (bring your black cat)

A Wide Wiff Ben

A Wide Wiff Ben

By Wicks Gwanville

When out for a walk with young Ben,

It helped me to feel my youth again,

For he is quite unwittingly, a comedian,

Who wants to know everything, why & when!

Just genial sort of happy 5 year old chat,

Like, ‘does that hole belong to a mouse or a little wat?’

‘Is that where it runs away from a hungry tat?’

‘With all the sugar tane around, it’s probably very fat’

As he rides his bike along the gravel wode,

He chatters happily in his own code

And when he wode into a small wok, he produced a squealing ode.

Each new observation, a happy exciting episode

‘Is that a new water pump I see over there?’

‘Yes it is’, I answered only too happy to share.

‘Where is the old one?’ he asked with care.

‘Someone stole it!’ I said with despair.

‘Who nitched it?’ he asked, wanting to explore.

‘I don’t know. They took it in the night’, I said still feeling sore

‘He nitched it, is going to use it for himself for sure,

And maybe he’ll come back again,’ he said ‘and steal some more’

His mind tested all the things a wobber could do

And very involved picture he ably drew

‘He could steal your pipes & your sugar tane too!’

With all Ben’s excitement I couldn’t feel blue.

With one foot on the handle bar he said ’Hey, look at me!’

And very nearly smashed into a tree.

This time was a time for fun & he felt carefree

Despite life’s problems, he gave me a different perspective to see.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Holiday Ladies

One of the difficult things about owning ones own business is knowing how and when to spend any of the hard earned money you have earned. Generally it all goes back in the business except for living expenses. Beth will say I need a new pair of pants and I’ll say “Yea but I can wait, just had to fork out a lot of money to pay for the new truck." Usually when holes start to appear I’ll break down and buy a pair.
Holes had started to appear with this blog, and the time it was taking to get something posted and read other blogs was preventing me from giving it the care and feeding it needs. Thanks to Merek and Kathleen for writing and posting the Wise Old Man's Poems. Thanks goes out to Tina. Brass I need to get your Email so you too can chirp loudly. You all help fill the holes and that keeps our blog going.

Last Friday saw John becoming an official member of the Malalane Marathon Club, (even got the spelling for Malalane correct) now we have to keep running. The Holiday Ladies Anne and Lisa joined in on the celebration. Some folks were sick and had family members that were sick and decided to remain indoors. Some on the other hand were in Benoni, Benoni?

We thought the evening was winding down, when Mark arrived and entertained us till late into the night. Thank you Mark for that lovely drink you had us consume. Yes that one with da blue top an all, except the blu top was now yellow. Look how angelic he looks with that bright star behind him.
See ya all soon

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Fine Night

Ah Tina has put her best foot forward or is that her best voice forward. From the photos one will see that Tina and Jill Ramsbottom(is this correct T)Granville, fell out of that Mangoe Tree on Friday last. Nev was on top form as always, and the Gentleman of course. Wicks was sitting and thinking of his next poem. The last couple of photo's is how most of that crowd saw each other. Looks like we will be starting the Mangoe Tree Choir.

Those above are checking on the water pressure, John you are a good plumber, but your fire did work out fine.
This is now much later on in the evening. Everything was a bit hazy, not sure if was the beers or the singing that was going on.

Hey Brass you up to a run, its for a good cause, cause you can have beers after.
This is becoming the poets corner.
Thank John, the Blogs carry on!
By Sir Richard the Lionheart 20/6/2007

The Blogs has developed a pleasant atmosphere
With a friendly casualness, that is easy to wear.
Of course there has been a bit of energy put in here & there
By our erstwhile founder, with a lot of muscle and flair.

Dear John, we know, has a plumbers heart
So with ‘tap’ in hand he built a work of art.
A rock monument he built with genius of a visual Mozart
But he didn’t think to much about the connecting to the water part.

That is the beauty of youthful, enthusiastic innocence,
They work from the heart and not because it makes sense,
And trusting that nature will always find recompense.
(of course, a hundred meters away Graham Glass showed benevolence)

So now water we have, and an electric light!
All this John did, so that the Blogs would be right
The joy it gives is truly a wonderful sight
Although, if Eskom saw the wiring, they’d get an awful fright!

A table top is needed & is immediately addressed
Dear Kathleen produced a shaped top that’ll attract interest
But the quality of marble is undoubtedly the best
Now ‘tis up to John to set it up with his usual zest.

Although our region’s athletes are the reason for this meet
It is great to see all the children playing on the street,
While distant neighbours get a chance for their mates to greet,
And there is laughter, drink, and lovely things to eat!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tut, Tut and Oy Vey

I got to Makundu under the mango tree
And saw the runners who only amounted to three!
They were so excited to go and jog up the hill,
I have heard that this sport gives one quite a thrill.
But to those of us who are relatively sane (ahem)
We prefer less torturous physical pain!
Kathleen, Ben and Jess were off on their bikes,
Mother T, Georgie and I decided to have a gentle hike
We got back when the night had crept in
John tried to make a fire, but his forte is plumbing!
Good thing he had help then Jill uncorked her wine...
Oy vey were we in for a jolly fine time!
The Granvilles, Glasses, Whybrows, Schwaggas and me
Then Nev pitched and of course Bob, eventually!
Harry and Emmarentia dropped in for a drink
English isn't such a problem after one or two I think!
Wicks is off wheat, and staking the ground...
His metallurgical discoveries are rather profound.
Jill finished her 'grape juice' and then decided to steal mine...
I am grateful as I was beginning to have too much of a good time.
Neville got a wonderful 'how do you feel' from Jill
Everybody seemed happy on that verge of that hill.
The sausage, the steak, the mielie bread and chips,
The beers and wine, and of course the song on my lips.
The kids rushed around and played in the cane
Some of us got baptised by the fountain 'rain'
Next time I'm on juice as too vociferous I become
Ah well it's nice every now and then to let your hair down!
Slowly the people began to leave the logs
As some had planned an early morning jog
Cheerio until next time we all meet under the tree
A wonderful spot I'm sure we'll all agree!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The first month

Well we had our first month of logs. As I approached the log I saw John standing alone. I thought well that did not last long. I said to John well looks like it just us tonight. Craig phoned and said he was busy and could not make the run. Lousie said Nicholas would like to join John and I on his bicycle. Nicholas came down the hill with a Blue Mohican Hair style or was that a Roman Helmet with Blue Feathers. So John,Nicholas and I set off for our 4km, with Nicholas telling us at what speed we were running. The last 100m was an effort as John and I took turns pushing the bicycle. The three of us sat down and had a beer, well Nick had some Energade. John was not sure if he wanted to start the fire, he said, because there were only three of us there, yet I think John was worried about if he would be able to start the fire. Then Pete and Louise came down, pete had a flammable liquid of sorts which got the fire Going. Then everyone arrived. Rollo and Inky. Then Ian, Alice and family. Mark and Grumpy with more rug rats. Mark C and his gang. The kids had a ball, the sound coming from out of the dark and sugar cane would have chased away the Lions. The famous tap had water running this week. Once most people had left, Mark and Mark were adamant that we have shooters for goodnight cap. John used me as his coach, and the coach said we are running 20km at 5:30am on Saturday, so no night cap. What happened to those fit couple from the other side of the mountain. Tina hope you are ready to run this week. The Bobcat is welcome to start the fire for John, fire starting requires much effort that is rewarded with many tankers of a golden liquid. Hope to see you all this week.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Logs, Blogs or Jogs by Sir Richard

Logs, Blogs or Jogs

Much chatter about the Blogs and jokes about the jogs,
All because young Johhno had cut up some logs.
His job complete, he said “hey these can make a seat!”
So he put them in a circle all very nice and neat.
Now John and Cameron, who are not scared of a marathon,
Decided that the logs, should be their paragon.
They invited those that they thought were easy prey
So Ian and Merek were there, come next Friday
Although Ian is light, he is no slouch for might
While Merek has enough guts to put a lion to flight.
“Scenic but rough” was Ian’s choice for the tough
Our two stalwarts were ok, but Merek said “enough is enough.”
Meanwhile those who have more brains than brawn
Were not sitting around looking forlorn -
On bike, Kathleen road, while Pie giggled for being towed
And young Ben tread peddles in a very fast mode
Old Wicks and Jill who live on the hill
Thought a brisk walk that evening would not kill.
And then there are those who would talk rather than walk
And they are usually not scared to remove the bottle’s cork
A success it would seem if you looked at the scene
One of the joys one gets for living out a dream.

29th May 2007.

The Blogs by Sir Richard

The Blogs

The nature of mankind is to collect and commune,
But frustration with one another can intervene too soon
A meeting place is necessary that is common ground to all
I place where families can meet, whether big, large or small.
“Impossible” you say, because in nature we’re so diverse
And that, of course, would seem to be humanity’s curse.
Yet clubs are formed and good money is spent
For people to join with hopeful intent.
With exercise and party, as the major call
Yet it is often very difficult to be able to please all
That is why it was found, for those who like to ride, walk or jog
That there is a sense of freedom, to drink a beer while sitting on a log.
No one is held responsible for house keeping, so to speak
And the odour from sweaty armpits does not tend to reek
Logs circled around a fire that is built on the inside
Can be quite warming and great for meat that’s “braaied”.
A place where men and women unite with their children and some dogs.
This ring of logs in our block, we now call “The Blogs”
Exclusive to those, who with their community, would talk.
And a jolly good excuse for those who like to run, ride or walk.
“On on!” is the runners cry all around the world,
Some with banners, and some with flags unfurled.
But come the time when the run is done
There’s a very good reason to have family fun.

By a Blogs Bard
28th May 2007.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

I see a full moon rising...

A much warmer start to our third Friday Bloggers logs. Everyone seems to be loosening up, including Merek who is, well, um, no longer soo stiff.... The runners headed off to damn empty aka dam 7 and completed their bit in good time. The rest of us did a combo cycle walk- a leisurely chat and amble.

We all gathered back at the logs as the red moon rose over the sugar cane. A beautiful moment reminding us why we all enjoy life not in the fast lane...... Perhaps it was all enhanced by John's dried weed (of wisdom -?) kindling in the fire..??

A record crowd- some of whom were suspiciously absent in earning their cans...(BOB, JohnR... But that is expected from a landy owner and a yank...)
Talking of landy owners: far-flung would be B-Loggers (Brass, show us your metal) celebrated their 40th B-day! We had a drink for you too! Have a good one!
Well, from us alcoholics with a running problem (thanks Cam)
See you next Friday STSP (Same time same place...)

Monday, May 28, 2007

We need a bobcat

No this not a religious affiliation, unless of course consuming vasts amount of hops is considered religious, then yes. At the moment the only thing religious about our group is that comprises of only English speaking patrons. To those those who do not live thiiiiiis side of the mountain please feel free to join in on the activities. We hope in future to see some real athletes in our midst's, the likes of those who can say they have completed the Argus. Our group needs athletes of this caliber to show us how to correctly quench ones thirst after rigorous exercise, without injuring ones limbs in the process.

Brass you watch this space!!! tea???? this is africa, boy, Black Label country.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

2nd Run

This Friday many of the team were away Peter and Louise were doing the African safari thing. Ian and Alice were educating the youth of today. We got a new sucker mad enough to join the runners. Craig who is familiar with running and quenching ones thirst thereafter, being a hasher of old. Craig, John, and the now recovered Merek and I went on a leisure 4km jog, not the word jog as Ian was away. Kathleen with Jess in tow, really in tow, Kathleen has this nifty gadget that she attaches onto the back of her bicycle and onto the front of Jess's Bike, it lifts the front wheel off the ground and tows Jess around. Jill on her walk was joined by Ben on his bike, Kathleen and Jess. We all met at the new LOGS home under the Mango trees not that we need the shade as the sun was down by the time we got back. John summoned Merek to help start the fire, while Craig could not get his first beer down fast enough to quench his thirst. The first beer went down like a home sick mole. One of the elders Wicks provided us with some really valuable information, about how Green Pigeons contained arsenic poison. So never eat Green Pigeons. Just please leave them off your shopping list. The wings have the highest concentration of this killer substance. John Ram and family also joined the party, John dressed as if he had just come up from a South Pole expedition. Thank you to Kathleen for the popcorn, this week she managed to keep the container away from merek who feed half the popcorn to the ants last week. Thank you to Jill and Wicks for the wors. The rest of the evening was a bit of a blur, I do remember Mark also popped in for a visit.

This morning while feeding Peter and Louise's horse I heard so digging going on down near the logs. I look down and see that the ever energetic John the plumber is installing a tap for us at the logs. So next Friday we will have water. Well I hope the tap does not work. New runners will be told there is a tap over there and beer in the cooler
John Installing the Tap.
Nestled under the shade of large Mango Trees on the southern slopes of a hillside on the Makhundu Farm are the Logs. The logs are cut from various species of trees on the farm. The founder Member John Granville cut most of the logs himself. John's ideas which he got from family living in Ofcalaco, was that running friends meet every Friday for a short run 5km or say up to 10km once the runners get fit. Cyclists and walkers are welcome to join in the fun. When we all meet at the end of the run,cycle or walk. Your thirst is quenched with a good beer.(much debate over that one). Last week Friday 18 May was our first logs run. The logs for that run were placed in Peter and Louise's horses round pen. This scared the horses a bit when the fire was lit and it was decided to move the logs position a little further down the hill to its present location. The first run had the mad runners John, Merek, Ian and myself running a course around the hillside over some very rocky terrain. The route was decided by the highly fit Ian, much to concern of Merek who has not run in 10 years. Kathleen with Jessica in tow and Ben went for a cycle. The elders of the party Wicks and Jill went on a brisk walk, protected by the ever vigilant guard dogs Silwane and khulu(explanation of the name later). Once back at home base we were joined by our friends and family to help us quench our thirst by consuming vast amounts of Windhoek, OK!! and BlackLabel. As the fire died down to coals, snacks were seared on the grid and enjoyed by all. We all had to listen to Merek moaning about how stiff he was going to be. Kathleen had to remark that she liked a stiff man!!! Something John reckons will always remind him of his first ever LOGS. Thanks to all for making the first logs an enjoyable evening. Thank You John Granville.