Monday, May 28, 2007

We need a bobcat

No this not a religious affiliation, unless of course consuming vasts amount of hops is considered religious, then yes. At the moment the only thing religious about our group is that comprises of only English speaking patrons. To those those who do not live thiiiiiis side of the mountain please feel free to join in on the activities. We hope in future to see some real athletes in our midst's, the likes of those who can say they have completed the Argus. Our group needs athletes of this caliber to show us how to correctly quench ones thirst after rigorous exercise, without injuring ones limbs in the process.

Brass you watch this space!!! tea???? this is africa, boy, Black Label country.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

2nd Run

This Friday many of the team were away Peter and Louise were doing the African safari thing. Ian and Alice were educating the youth of today. We got a new sucker mad enough to join the runners. Craig who is familiar with running and quenching ones thirst thereafter, being a hasher of old. Craig, John, and the now recovered Merek and I went on a leisure 4km jog, not the word jog as Ian was away. Kathleen with Jess in tow, really in tow, Kathleen has this nifty gadget that she attaches onto the back of her bicycle and onto the front of Jess's Bike, it lifts the front wheel off the ground and tows Jess around. Jill on her walk was joined by Ben on his bike, Kathleen and Jess. We all met at the new LOGS home under the Mango trees not that we need the shade as the sun was down by the time we got back. John summoned Merek to help start the fire, while Craig could not get his first beer down fast enough to quench his thirst. The first beer went down like a home sick mole. One of the elders Wicks provided us with some really valuable information, about how Green Pigeons contained arsenic poison. So never eat Green Pigeons. Just please leave them off your shopping list. The wings have the highest concentration of this killer substance. John Ram and family also joined the party, John dressed as if he had just come up from a South Pole expedition. Thank you to Kathleen for the popcorn, this week she managed to keep the container away from merek who feed half the popcorn to the ants last week. Thank you to Jill and Wicks for the wors. The rest of the evening was a bit of a blur, I do remember Mark also popped in for a visit.

This morning while feeding Peter and Louise's horse I heard so digging going on down near the logs. I look down and see that the ever energetic John the plumber is installing a tap for us at the logs. So next Friday we will have water. Well I hope the tap does not work. New runners will be told there is a tap over there and beer in the cooler
John Installing the Tap.
Nestled under the shade of large Mango Trees on the southern slopes of a hillside on the Makhundu Farm are the Logs. The logs are cut from various species of trees on the farm. The founder Member John Granville cut most of the logs himself. John's ideas which he got from family living in Ofcalaco, was that running friends meet every Friday for a short run 5km or say up to 10km once the runners get fit. Cyclists and walkers are welcome to join in the fun. When we all meet at the end of the run,cycle or walk. Your thirst is quenched with a good beer.(much debate over that one). Last week Friday 18 May was our first logs run. The logs for that run were placed in Peter and Louise's horses round pen. This scared the horses a bit when the fire was lit and it was decided to move the logs position a little further down the hill to its present location. The first run had the mad runners John, Merek, Ian and myself running a course around the hillside over some very rocky terrain. The route was decided by the highly fit Ian, much to concern of Merek who has not run in 10 years. Kathleen with Jessica in tow and Ben went for a cycle. The elders of the party Wicks and Jill went on a brisk walk, protected by the ever vigilant guard dogs Silwane and khulu(explanation of the name later). Once back at home base we were joined by our friends and family to help us quench our thirst by consuming vast amounts of Windhoek, OK!! and BlackLabel. As the fire died down to coals, snacks were seared on the grid and enjoyed by all. We all had to listen to Merek moaning about how stiff he was going to be. Kathleen had to remark that she liked a stiff man!!! Something John reckons will always remind him of his first ever LOGS. Thanks to all for making the first logs an enjoyable evening. Thank You John Granville.