Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Pics

Hey guys,

Here are some pics from a few of the last logs. Check out the sheep shagger

Monday, October 13, 2008

Johnno is back

Hi folks, the site has been quiet for a while, one of the major reasons was that the our buddy the sheep shagging John was out looking for new sheep. The plumber is in town and the logs is running at full tilt. Note I said the logs is running as no other member has attempted any physical exertion other than to lift a beer up to their lips. Fair dinkum. Summer is on its way. Friday logs was stunning, no wind blowing us about, moon was almost full, fire was perfect and the beers were ice cold.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back in town

Well I hope the fact Mr John globe trotting Ganville ( we will refrain from mentioning the sheep at this point!) is due back in the dark continent ( thanks Eishkom) will call for a great blogg braai down under the mango. Hell I may even dare a little jog in honour of the lad!
hope to see ya all
cheery bye

Friday, February 1, 2008

The last Logs of Jan 2008

Well hello to all who missed the last logs of Jan 2008....I it started off like a regular camping site scene. Check out the landy in the back ground.

We all know how well John makes a fire so here Homer Simpson is teaching the young lad how it is done. What a perfect day. For a Friday logs.

Real camping scene everone has brought camping chairs along, much to the disgust of John...who slaved away for days designing and cutting the logs to perfection so that we who have some where to sit....."now you guys are getting soft" were Johns words to his fellow loggers(lazy) I mean Joggers. This was a real lazy logs no one ran, no one cylcled and nobody even went for a walk......that was the curse. Check out the next photos as the heavens opened up and the rain come down by the bucket

Everyone decided to they were made of sugar and were terrified of melting.. Some left after a few mouthfulls of food, other took cooked meat off the braai and left and poor Tina left with raw meat.......Check out John above trying to convince Tina to let her meat cook in the rain.....but his words fell on deaf ears....Peter came down to save the com serve girls from the rain....Soon everyone had left.....then the rain the charter members Master John and his Fellow Running Non Stop Talking Buddy and of course there always has to be a lady in the story.....were left alone......So we took out the meat out of the coolers as the fire had not been doused by the heavy down pour. "John you make an awesome fire" were some of the words I heard.

So we three had a wonderful logs in the end.....

.and of course Brassy the beers were cold.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Ian here is a beaut for you!!!!

Well another year has seen its Gat. The second Llogs of 2008 was a cracker. Check out the Three Gansters. No!!! they did not imbibe too much they were just very merry. This is what the locals do on a friday night. Our outdoor pub under the Mangoe Tree.

Homer is on the floor, cause his little legs have failed him. He reckons he needs Brass to keep him upright.