Sunday, July 8, 2007

Wild dreams

Herstory is made

The bloggers had an historic (her story) moment this Friday, with Claire G joining the runners as the first, ever lady to show her mettle! This run was a family affair, only undertaken by 2 each of the Svacha & Granville families. Thanks to Mark, Amber & Adam who joined in later with a few bikes to swell the crowds.

The reason for the small numbers was the preparations in various households for the coming of age party for Anni G, which took place later in the evening. Anni had a theme of dress in your wildest dream… SO… the evening was very festive!

Claire was definitely on form , after running the 4 km, she went on to clinch the evening as the wildest dressed ( in my opinion) as a ‘Wild pussy cat’ not inside, but on top…!!

In attendance as well were: a doctor or 2, a cowgirl or 2, Zoro, a family of hippies, some buxom ladies, Superman, some dude with a bob & dark glasses (any clues as to who??) the spice girls, a Brazilian fiesta dancer, a diver, pirate, fairy and a young pioneer. The Bishop of Port Elizabeth was hiding under his big felt hat (or is it actually Paddington bear pretending to be the bishop??). Some people came dressed as, well normal… (perhaps that is their wildest dream, to be normal…Bob, Tina,, and a few others?)

The head of the household had a monopoly on the finances, and his Greek goddess wife was bestowing gifts of great food on all the guests. Well Anni, it was a good start to the next phase of your life, sent forth with (as always) a beautiful poem of blessing from our resident bard (that’s Dad to you Ann). Wishing you wings!

Next Friday is an auspicious night…. FRIDAY the 13th…See you there!! (bring your black cat)

A Wide Wiff Ben

A Wide Wiff Ben

By Wicks Gwanville

When out for a walk with young Ben,

It helped me to feel my youth again,

For he is quite unwittingly, a comedian,

Who wants to know everything, why & when!

Just genial sort of happy 5 year old chat,

Like, ‘does that hole belong to a mouse or a little wat?’

‘Is that where it runs away from a hungry tat?’

‘With all the sugar tane around, it’s probably very fat’

As he rides his bike along the gravel wode,

He chatters happily in his own code

And when he wode into a small wok, he produced a squealing ode.

Each new observation, a happy exciting episode

‘Is that a new water pump I see over there?’

‘Yes it is’, I answered only too happy to share.

‘Where is the old one?’ he asked with care.

‘Someone stole it!’ I said with despair.

‘Who nitched it?’ he asked, wanting to explore.

‘I don’t know. They took it in the night’, I said still feeling sore

‘He nitched it, is going to use it for himself for sure,

And maybe he’ll come back again,’ he said ‘and steal some more’

His mind tested all the things a wobber could do

And very involved picture he ably drew

‘He could steal your pipes & your sugar tane too!’

With all Ben’s excitement I couldn’t feel blue.

With one foot on the handle bar he said ’Hey, look at me!’

And very nearly smashed into a tree.

This time was a time for fun & he felt carefree

Despite life’s problems, he gave me a different perspective to see.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Holiday Ladies

One of the difficult things about owning ones own business is knowing how and when to spend any of the hard earned money you have earned. Generally it all goes back in the business except for living expenses. Beth will say I need a new pair of pants and I’ll say “Yea but I can wait, just had to fork out a lot of money to pay for the new truck." Usually when holes start to appear I’ll break down and buy a pair.
Holes had started to appear with this blog, and the time it was taking to get something posted and read other blogs was preventing me from giving it the care and feeding it needs. Thanks to Merek and Kathleen for writing and posting the Wise Old Man's Poems. Thanks goes out to Tina. Brass I need to get your Email so you too can chirp loudly. You all help fill the holes and that keeps our blog going.

Last Friday saw John becoming an official member of the Malalane Marathon Club, (even got the spelling for Malalane correct) now we have to keep running. The Holiday Ladies Anne and Lisa joined in on the celebration. Some folks were sick and had family members that were sick and decided to remain indoors. Some on the other hand were in Benoni, Benoni?

We thought the evening was winding down, when Mark arrived and entertained us till late into the night. Thank you Mark for that lovely drink you had us consume. Yes that one with da blue top an all, except the blu top was now yellow. Look how angelic he looks with that bright star behind him.
See ya all soon