Saturday, August 18, 2007

John makes it big on Front page !!

The Logs Members make it big in Local press ...Last week Craig got onto the front page (Corridor Gazette.. The Heartbeat of Nkomazi) with flying SA colours and winged off to Czech republic ! ! and this week we have The master pipe putter .. um Plumber (N2 not mentioned in the paper article) taking uphill in his stride!! well done John! Hey I hope that this work thing of Yours does not interfere too much with play !

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Early Gang

A shot of the punctual Logs supporters, before the run on a Friday. We would like notice to be taken of the table, the last addition to the venue! These are the Guys and Girls that are keen to run. Thank You to Jill for the photo.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


A community is made up with the characters in it,

Those who are dull and those with quick wit

Those who are sickly and those who are fit,

A delicate fabric is uniquely knit.

You are likely to meet Merek, mixing drinks

Drinking should be fun, is what he thinks

He does enjoy a merry function

Friendly, witty and filled with good unction.

Married to Kathleen they make a charming pair,

Their children Ben and Jessica, make up their lair

Good family values is what they all share

Drinking all sorts of drinks, but never vin ordinaire.

If you observe Merek, and see his style

You’ll notice his humorous eyes and fleeting smile

Amusing you with his quick wit all the while

And showing signs of being prepared to walk the mile.

Green fingers could be his other name

He can make anything grow because that’s his game

Modest and generous, giving without waiting acclaim

Although he is not averse to lots of money instead of fame.

Very laid back is the message he gives out,

But in fact he is very conscientious with what he’s about

When chatting to him you are left with no doubt

That he’s more honourable than a boy scout.

He does not purport to being an athlete

But it seems that he’s no lout on his feet

A blogs run without him, would not be complete

Especially when it comes to celebrating with drinks and eat.

A good balance he has between spirit and ego

Knowing where to have fun and when to say no

He has this ability to allow life to flow

A sort of chat one is very happy to know.

10th July 2007

by Wicks Granville


A community is made up with the characters in it,

Those who are dull and those with quick wit

Those who are sickly and those who are fit,

A delicate fabric is uniquely knit.

Some are quiet and slow to be seen

I think of soft spoken willowy Kathleen

with her desire for an interactive community scene

everyone supporting; young and old and in between.

The speed of life today is enough to make her scream,

Where people don’t think about people, just “keeping up” is the theme.

Survival through technology has become supreme

Kathleen favours a more holistic regime.

A place where people serve one another

and don’t keep up with the Jones’ to be a mother

and certainly don’t take unfair advantage of a brother,

Or allow fast food and the fast life to smother.

To this end she encouraged those she knew

a community mind to imbue

with markets and meetings and good virtue

a simple life for herself and hers, she does ensue.

Here again, alternative medicine she will seek

instead of something quick and chic

and get back to basics, so to speak.

She is tough, saucy, determined, yet somehow meek

as a compassionate vegetarian she seldom eats meat

yet interesting food she gives all to eat.

Every blogs, a new innovation she brings to heat

Without her imagination, a logs meet would not be complete

In fact each occasion gives her a chance

To invite us to take cognisance

of getting back to basics, with it’s nuance

And of making us go backwards, so that we can advance.

8th July 2007.

by Wicks Granville

Time Flies & Time Trials

Hello there! Friday the 13th knocked us so badly, we couldn't post for the following few weeks...!!
Actually, it was a mild evening, as have been the last 2. We welcomed Rob & Gail from Marloth Park. Even though they had no lions chasing them, they still kept up a good pace!
Craig finally brought concrete proof of Maryka (in person) ... we were beginning to wonder if she was a figment.
Merek & Kath rolled in looking bleary eyed after 2 hours sleep the night before- a small diversion into the family game of horses. So, there might be a mini horse being taken for a walk at one of the Logs' in the near future.

Friday 3rd August was celebrated by the dedicated quorum: Jill & John G , Cameron, Merek, Kath and crew, Georgie representing the Glasses, & Nick doing his bit for the Wybrows! The rest of the Glass family came later as did Sir R and Beth, and a vote was taken to have the Blogs again next Friday, at the same time & place!

Sir Richard has started a collection of poems starring the members of our community.. Look out, you could be next!! Enjoy his insight in rhyme......
P.S. Birthdays coming up: Beth 11th Aug, Benjy 20th Aug, Alice G 25th Aug